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The Impact of the Pandemic on the Insurance Industry

Agency Owner Articles, Agency Staff Articles, Helpful Tips: For Leadership

We have certainly seen a fair amount of changes in our world due to the pandemic, but there is more to come.  As we continue to adapt and learn from this unprecedented situation, we have yet to determine the long-term impact.  The insurance industry has already had to make some uncomfortable shifts. Businesses have downsized […]

3 Keys to Job Security in a Pandemic

Agency Owner Articles, Agency Staff Articles, Helpful Tips: For Employees

The pandemic of 2020 will impact the economy in ways that we have yet to fully understand. The insurance industry is certainly not insulated from this.  While particular niches your agency serves may be able to sustain themselves or even succeed amid COVID, others have suffered significant setbacks, leaving them with no choice but to […]

Finding the Right Niche During an Ongoing Pandemic

Agency Staff Articles, Helpful Tips: For Employees

As the pandemic persists, every community imaginable has felt the impact in some way.  Restrictions have crippled different industries to varying degrees.  Some businesses had to limit foot traffic while others had to shut their doors temporarily.  And while safety remains the primary concern, the pandemic has unquestionably, negatively impacted the economy. While some businesses […]

Help Employees Achieve Greater Productivity in a Remote Workplace

Agency Owner Articles, Helpful Tips: For Leadership

The shift from in-office to remote work has presented a variety of challenges for insurance agencies.  As so many made the transition overnight, being able to effectively move all operations from inside the same building into everyone’s homes has been difficult for both agencies and their employees.  We are living in unfamiliar and unprecedented circumstances.  […]

Finding Prospects During a Persisting Pandemic

Agency Owner Articles, Helpful Tips: For Employees

As the pandemic has persisted and evolved, it has brought many challenges to insurance agencies.  While many of these difficulties have depended on each agency’s region, there are universal struggles we all face.  Producers are faced with the challenge of creating and building relationships with prospects new and old without much access to new opportunities. […]

Breathing Life Back Into An Old & Ugly Office Space

Agency Owner Articles, Helpful Tips: For Leadership

Some insurance agencies boast modern buildings with sleek exteriors and fresh interiors.   On the other hand, there are still many agencies on the opposite end of the spectrum.  They operate in old buildings handling required maintenance but leave even simple updates at the bottom of the expense and the to-do list.  While some agency owners […]

How to Handle a Decline In Employee Performance

Agency Owner Articles, Helpful Tips: For Leadership

It is always difficult to watch a top performer in your agency start to demonstrate a decline in performance.  There can be a tendency to bend over backward to save the employee by overlooking the growing performance issues hoping that they will turn things around.  However, turning a blind eye is damaging to the employee […]

Winning Back an Unpaid Bonus

Agency Staff Articles, Helpful Tips: For Employees

Bonuses are commonly used across insurance agencies to incentivize and reward growth.  And while calculation and payment are typically straightforward, there can be issues in any areas of the bonus agreement that are ambiguous.  This lack of clarity can lead to issues when it comes time for the employee to collect. While problems with bonuses […]

3 Tips for More Effective Carrier Meetings

Agency Owner Articles, Helpful Tips: For Leadership

When it comes to making the most of each workday in an insurance agency, time management is essential. This time issue is especially applicable to the constant barrage of meeting invites that chime in our inboxes daily. Meetings can quickly consume hours of our days and cause a significant blow to productivity. While meetings occur with different parties […]

3 Helpful Tips for Beginners in the Insurance Industry

Agency Staff Articles, Helpful Tips: For Employees

Early in your insurance career, you may be asked to do things that you’re not sure are right. The thought of saying “no” to a request like this may feel like an intimidating prospect. However, not every request deserves a “yes.”  In fact, automatically agreeing to everything asked of you can have unintended consequences. Here […]