Employee Assessments

Evaluate New Hires and Current Staff for Competence and Compatibility

Objectively Evaluate Your Team

  • Correctly assess employee compatibility for their existing or future roles
  • Identify the need for cross-training or refresher courses
  • Evaluate employees for internal promotions to management
  • Cost savings from reduced employee turnover and higher employee performance
  • Discover where further development is needed in your employees

"I would recommend Total CSR for all agents, even if you have been doing this for years."

Dini Brandwein

"Regardless of your expertise in this business or even what lines you are specializing in, Total CSR is great for all types of agents!"

Janie VanHoose
Assign Expertise Assessments in Total CSR

How It Works

Our assessments help you make better hiring and staffing decisions using objective, multidimensional data. 

This software uses leading-edge data science created by experts in statistics, psychometrics, cognitive psychology, and applied testing. Multiple assessments provide the most robust picture of your employees’ current knowledge and compatibility.

Assess Your Staff

Regular assessments for your current employees can foster a healthier workplace culture and create more opportunities for growth. By identifying top performers, personalities suited for management, and opportunities for cross-training, your agency’s path to development is clear.

Once completed, you will receive a detailed report on how they did, so you can take the most appropriate next steps.

Types of Assessments

Our suite of employee assessments is the most comprehensive on the market.
A Total CSR subscription includes access to unlimited assessments on:

  • Cognitive aptitude
  • Personality and work style
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Computer literacy
  • Insurance agency specific knowledge and skills

Hire, Assess, Train, and Support
Your Insurance Agency Staff

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