Strengthen Your Agency with Employee & Candidate Assessments

Strengthen Your Agency with Employee & Candidate Assessments

Uncover Hidden Pitfalls

Determine the overall compatibility, competency, and insurance expertise of both your current employees and job candidates.

These results will help you to develop and fortify your current team members while separating out the pretenders from the performers.

Assess Compatibility

Assess your employee’s compatibility profile, including emotional intelligence, computer literacy, personality profile, and cognitive aptitude to discover where further development is needed.


These results enable you to determine which team members would work best together, what kind of role your employee would thrive in, and whether a candidate would be suited to a position in management, sales, or support.

Total CSR Personality Assessments for New Hires and Employees

Assess Expertise

Assess your team members’ insurance expertise with Total CSR. Regular employee assessments will ensure that your team understands important lines of coverage and will help you to identify knowledge gaps for further training and development.

Hire, Assess, Train, and Support
Your Insurance Agency Staff

Hire smarter. Train faster. Transform your agency.

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