What is the Certified Insurance Counselor Program?

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Certified Insurance Counselor designation is a certification program for insurance agents to provide them with the information they need to properly advise clients on their level of risk and coverage required to properly cover that risk. Through this program, an agent or advisor will go through specific courses to understand the exposures and risks involved in every insurance coverage as well as gain the necessary skills and competencies to come up with the coverage solutions that are suitable to the situation of every client.

How Does an Insurance Agent obtain a Certified Insurance Counselor Designation?

The Certified Insurance Counselor Program consists of 7 courses and examinations including courses in:

  • Agency Management
  • Commercial Multiline
  • Commercial Property
  • Commercial Casualty
  • Personal Lines
  • Life and Health
  • Insurance Company Operations

An agent is required to attend any 5 of the 7 courses listed above and pass a comprehensive exam at the end of the course.  Each Certified Insurance Counselor Designation includes 16 hours of Continuing Education.  Agents will have 3 years to complete the 5 courses they have elected.  This requires attendance of the class and a passing grade on the program examination.   

Information presented during the classes is specific to the program topic and is designed to equip insurance agents with all the information and insight they need to effectively work with client. It is distinguished designation that requires a commitment from the agent to see it through to completion.  Completion of the Certified Insurance Counselor Program is recognized in the U.S. and in most countries all over the world.

Once the agent has successfully completed 5 of the Certified Insurance Counselor program courses, he or she will receive a certificate and a Certified Insurance Counselor designation pin to recognize their accomplishment and their commitment to becoming a trusted advisor to every client they are dealing with.

How Does completing the Certified Insurance Counselor Program Benefit the Agent?

  • Agents who complete a Certified Insurance Counselor program and obtain their designation are better positioned to present different insurance coverage and analyze the exposures and risks that can happen concerning the various coverage scenarios being chosen
  • Insurance agents with a professional designation earn more than agents who do not obtain a designation
  • This designation helps agents earn respect and credibility with other insurance practitioners which gives an impression to clients that you are the right person to turn to for their insurance needs
  • It helps build trust and confidence – a kind of trust that you get even if you haven’t explained anything to the client yet.

Final Thoughts

Overall, the Certified Insurance Counselor Program is a necessity for expanding the agent’s insurance knowledge, so they have the right information to deliver comprehensive insurance advice to clients.  It also provides the agent eligibility to attend specialized programs exclusive only for Certified Insurance Counselor designees. This program is crucial for advancement at work and a more fulfilling career in insurance.

Check out this article Total CSR for more articles and insight on insurance education and training

About the Author

Justin Goodman has spent the past 20 years in insurance. He is the co-founder and CEO of Total CSR and co-founder and Managing Director of Project 55. By the age of 29, he was recognized as one of the top five construction insurance experts nationwide by Risk and Insurance Magazine. He also was named to Insurance Business Magazine’s Hot 100 and most recently the 2024 Insurance Journal Agent of the Year. Justin has trained over 50,000 CSR’s, account managers and producers through his work at Total CSR. He has a passion for developing the next generation of insurance professionals. When not with his family, he devotes his free time to speaking engagements and advising agency owners across the country.

Justin Goodman
Justin Goodman

With two decades of experience in the insurance industry, Justin is the co-founder and CEO of Total CSR and the co-founder and Managing Director of Project 55. By the age of 29, Risk and Insurance Magazine recognized him as one of the nation’s top five construction insurance experts. He has also been named to Insurance Business Magazine’s Hot 100 and was most recently honored as the 2024 Insurance Journal Agent of the Year.

Through his leadership at Total CSR, Justin has trained over 50,000 CSRs, account managers, and producers, driven by his passion for developing the next generation of insurance professionals. When not spending time with his family, he dedicates his free time to speaking at industry events and advising agency owners across the country.

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