Commercial Insurance Classes

Commercial Insurance Classes

Whether you are an owner, manager or employee at an insurance agency, you will need to have options for commercial insurance classes available either for yourself or for your staff.  General insurance education works well for the initial licensing phase of a new insurance agent.  However, specified learning opportunities are important to properly develop agents in the lines of business they will be working in.

What Options Are Available for Commercial Insurance Classes?:

There are several options available for commercial insurance classes.  However, it important that you find the best classes for your agents that allow them to obtain appropriate knowledge that is applicable to the functions of their role.   As you begin your search you will find:

  • Carrier training schools and online continuing education.
  • Training from national organizations like The National Alliance 
  • State insurance association endorsed education like Big I and Professional Insurance Agents (PIA)
  • Non-Affiliated Commercial Insurance Classes.  

What Is Required for Commercial Insurance Classes?

There are some key points you will want to look for and evaluate when reviewing options for Commercial Insurance Classes for yourself and the employees in your agency:

  • Confirm the program is being provided by a trustworthy source 
  • Review course learning objectives – Are the topics that are being presented pertinent to you or the other agents in your organization?
  • Assess the level of the material – Are the courses introductory, intermediate or advanced?  What level is appropriate for you or your employee?
  • Identify success measures – Is there a test required?   If so, will the exam be multiple-choice, essay, etc.?
  • Confirm that the course qualifies for continuing education credit – Not all education is viewed the same in every state.  Be sure to verify that the elected course meets the requirements of the state where the agent is licensed.
  • Is the course being held in a classroom or online? – Confirm the agent understands the logistics of either traveling to a class or that the right technology is available to attend online courses.

Why are Commercial Insurance Classes Important?

  • Agents who complete the right commercial insurance classes are better positioned to analyze the risk and exposures involved and how those things impact the client’s insurance needs.
  • Agents with the correct training are prepared to advise clients regarding the different insurance coverage options to cover those exposures.
  • The agent earns respect and credibility with other insurance practitioners.
  • The right training helps agents build trust and confidence with clients and future clients.

Final Thoughts

Overall, choosing quality commercial insurance classes is a prerequisite for expanding the agent’s insurance knowledge.  This provides the insurance professional the right information so they can deliver comprehensive insurance advice to clients.   A dedication to continued training and education are critical for advancement at work and a more rewarding career in insurance.

Check out this article on Total CSR   for more articles and insight on insurance education and training.